La rivoluzione epigenetica

Bibliografia articolo pubblicato sul numero 133 de L’altra medicina

La rivoluzione epigenetica: una responsabilità individuale nei confronti delle future generazioni

di Giorgio Terziani

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8. Alexander Streltsov , et al. (2015). Measuring quantum coherence with entanglement. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 020403.
9. Vasiliv Ogryzko (2008). Erwin Schrödinger, Francis Creek and epigenetic stability. Biology Direct 3:15 . The electronic version of this article can be found at:
10. Orozco C (2018). Coherence, the integration of energy boosting your longevity. Mahatma Editors. Portugal. ISBN 978-989-8865-38-0.
11. Wiedermann U, et al. (1996). “Vitamin A deficiency increase inflammatory responses”. Scand J Immunol. 44 (6): 578–584.
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19. Steward EG (2008). Quantum Mechanics: Its Early Development and the Road to Entanglement. Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-86094-978-4.
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24. Eisenberg DTA (2011). “An evolutionary review of human telomere biology: The thrifty telomere hypothesis and notes on potential adaptive paternal effects”. American Journal of Human Biology 23 (2): 149–167.

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